

By: Rebecca L. Nichols, Esq.

Published at

22 July 2024

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Florida Charitable Remainder Trusts: Unlocking the Tax Benefits 

Charitable trust is a good way to support our communities and protect our financial future. They allow us to donate to charity while also providing us with income. By setting up a CRT, we can ensure that our assets benefit ourselves and the causes we value.

This type of trust offers a win-win situation for both donors and charities. These new financial tools let people support causes they value and get tax benefits and income while alive. In Florida, where philanthropy and financial planning intersect, charitable remainder trusts are gaining popularity for their flexibility and impact.

Let's dive deep into Florida charitable remainder trusts. The benefits they offer and why these trusts are a great option for Floridians who want to make a difference.  

Understanding Charitable Remainder Trusts:

A Charitable Remainder Trust is an irrevocable trust that enables individuals to donate assets to a charitable organization while retaining an income stream for themselves or other beneficiaries for a specified period or until death. The trustee transfers the remaining assets to the designated charity or charities upon the trust's termination.

florida charitable remainder trust diagram

Types of Charitable Remainder Trusts:

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT):

A CRAT is an irrevocable trust that provides a fixed annual payment to non-charitable beneficiaries for a specified term or lifetime. Upon termination, the remaining assets are distributed to designated charities. It offers potential tax benefits, including income tax deductions and reduced estate taxes.

Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT):

A CRUT is an irrevocable trust that pays a fixed percentage of its annually revalued assets to non-charitable beneficiaries for a specified term or lifetime. The remainder goes to designated charities upon termination. It offers flexibility, potential tax benefits, and the possibility of increasing payments in a growing market.

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust vs. Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Comparison: Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT) Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT)
1. Payout Structure: Pays a fixed annual amount based on the initial value of the trust assets. Pays a fixed percentage of the trust's value, recalculated annually
2. Additional Contributions: No additional contributions are allowed after the initial funding. Allows for additional contributions after the trust is established
3. Payout Flexibility: The annuity amount remains constant throughout the trust's term. Payouts can vary based on the trust's performance, potentially increasing if assets grow
4. Inflation Protection: Fixed payouts may lose purchasing power over time due to inflation. Annual recalculation of payouts can help keep pace with inflation
5. Varieties: Typically comes in one standard form. Offers multiple variations, including straight CRUT, net income unitrust, NIMCRUT, and flip unitrust.
6. Income Planning: Provides predictable, fixed income. Offers potential for income growth and more flexible income planning, especially with options like NIMCRUTs
7. Asset Growth Benefit: Beneficiaries don't benefit from asset growth within the trust. Beneficiaries can benefit from asset growth as payouts are based on annual valuations

Key Components of Charitable Remainder Trusts:

1. Donor Contribution:  

The donor contributes assets, such as cash, securities, real estate, or other appreciated assets, to the trust.

Securities, such as stocks or bonds, are another common type of asset donation. Donating stocks may allow you to avoid paying taxes on the profits. Plus, you can also get a tax deduction for the entire value of the stocks.

Real estate donations are another way for donors to support a charitable cause. When you give property, you might qualify for a tax deduction based on its value. This means you can avoid paying capital gains taxes.

Donating stocks or real estate can help charities and benefit donors financially. Donors may also receive financial benefits.

Donating assets is a great way to help charities and make a difference in your community. By contributing assets, donors can help organizations further their missions and provide important services to those in need.

2. Income Stream: 

The trust gives a specific portion of its assets to the donor or chosen beneficiaries. This can be for a set period or their entire lifetime.

These charity trusts ensure people get the benefits they deserve.

Donors can establish a trust to protect their assets and ensure their usage according to their wishes. This is especially helpful if donors cannot manage their assets themselves.

3. Charitable Beneficiary: 

After the trust term ends or when the donor dies, the trust assets go to the charities the donor picked. The charitable organizations receive the trust assets after the trust term is over. If the donor passes away, the chosen charities receive the trust assets.

When someone creates a charitable trust, they are establishing a legal entity. They set up this entity to manage their assets. The purpose of this management is to benefit charities. The donor can choose which charities will get the trust assets, so they can support causes they value.

This can provide a lasting impact on the organizations and causes that the donor values.

Choose charities carefully. Make sure your donations support causes that are important to you. Ensure they align with your values and goals

4. Tax Benefits: 

Donors receive tax benefits as a reward for their generosity when they give to charity. These benefits include deductions on income tax, savings on capital gains tax, and lower estate taxes.

Donors can save money on taxes by donating assets like stocks or real estate that have increased in value. This can help them avoid paying capital gains tax. Additionally, they can also receive income tax deductions for their donations.

Donors can avoid paying taxes on capital gains by donating assets instead of selling them. They can also receive a tax deduction for the value of the full assets. 

This means that donors can benefit financially while also supporting a charitable cause. By choosing to donate, donors can make a positive impact without incurring additional tax liabilities.

Furthermore, donors can also reduce their estate taxes by making charitable bequests in their wills. Leaving part of your estate to a charity can decrease the taxable value of your estate. This can also lessen the estate taxes your heirs might need to pay.

Tax benefits can motivate donors to support charities and help their communities. Donors can make the most of opportunities to support causes they value and receive financial benefits. 

Benefits of Charitable Remainder Trusts in Florida:

1. Tax Efficiency: 

CRTs offer significant tax advantages, including the potential to reduce income taxes through charitable deductions and defer capital gains taxes on appreciated assets.

CRTs, or Charitable Remainder Trusts, help people support charities and grow their money while also getting tax benefits. These trusts allow donors to receive income from their assets while also benefiting a charity. By utilizing CRTs, individuals can reduce their tax liability and make a positive impact on causes they value. One of the key advantages of CRTs is the potential to reduce income taxes through charitable deductions.

When someone puts assets into a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT), they can receive a tax deduction. This deduction is for the value of the charitable remainder interest. The donor will donate the interest to the charity at a later date. This deduction can help lower the donor's taxable income and potentially reduce their overall tax liability.

Another tax advantage of CRTs is the ability to defer capital gains taxes on appreciated assets. The trustee typically sells assets placed in a CRT. The charity reinvests the proceeds to generate income for both the donor and itself.

When a trust sells assets, it delays paying capital gains tax on the increase in their value. The beneficiaries do not pay the tax until they receive the income. This can help people with valuable assets avoid paying a lot of taxes while still helping a charity.

CRTs can help people support charities and get tax benefits. They are a useful tool for giving back to the community. Donors can help their chosen charities and save on taxes by using CRTs.

2. Income Stream:

Donors can receive regular income from the trust for their lifetime or a set period. This provides them with financial security and stability.

People who donate to a trust can get regular payments for their whole life or a set time. This plan gives donors financial security and stability by providing regular payments to help meet their ongoing financial needs.

Donors can receive regular payments from the trust. This can help them plan for the future and have peace of mind.

They will have consistent earnings.

This can assist donors who have retired or are facing financial difficulties. It provides them with a steady income to support their lifestyle and cover expenses.

Donors who receive regular payments from a trust can benefit greatly. This can help them maintain their financial well-being both now and in the future.

3. Philanthropic Impact: 

CRTs help donors give to causes they value, leaving a legacy and making a difference in their communities.

Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) help donors support causes they value and meet their financial needs. Donors can create a CRT to ensure their assets benefit their chosen charities. This can have a lasting impact on their communities for years to come.

CRTs involve transferring assets like money, stocks, or property into a trust. This trust then gives income to the donor or their chosen beneficiaries for a set amount of time. After the trust period ends, the trustee distributes the remaining assets to chosen charities. trustee allocates the leftover assets to the specified charitable organizations.

Donors can support causes they value while alive, possibly getting tax benefits. Their assets will keep making a difference even after they pass away. Donors can create a lasting impact on their communities and causes they value by using a CRT.

4. Asset Diversification: 

Contributing appreciated assets to a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT), the donor gets the opportunity to diversify their investment portfolios. Donors can lower their risk by putting stocks, real estate, or other investments into a CRT. This spreads their investments across different types of assets.

This diversification can help protect against market fluctuations and economic downturns, ultimately enhancing the overall stability of their financial portfolios.

In addition to diversification, contributing appreciated assets to a CRT can also offer tax benefits to donors. Assets placed in a CRT may result in a tax deduction for donors. The deduction relies on the value of the assets that the charity will receive as a donation later. 

Donors can save money on taxes using a trust for charitable giving. The trust also has the potential for investment growth, allowing donors to make a bigger impact with donations.

Donating assets to a CRT can help donors improve their investment portfolios, lower risk, and increase their charitable impact. Donors can work with a financial advisor to see if a CRT fits their financial and philanthropic goals.

5. Estate Planning Benefits: 

CRTs can be integrated into florida estate planning strategies to transfer assets to beneficiaries or charitable organizations while minimizing estate taxes and probate costs.

One option for estate planning is to use Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) to give assets to beneficiaries or charities. Creating a CRT helps people ensure their assets go to the right people and reduces taxes and costs.

A CRT allows people to place assets into a trust. The beneficiaries get income from the trust for a set time. At the end of the trust term, the trustee distributes the remaining assets to the designated charitable organization. This is a good strategy for people who want to help a charity and take care of their family.

Using a CRT in estate planning can help reduce the taxable estate, which means less estate taxes when passing away. Assets held in a CRT are not subject to probate, making the distribution process easier and reducing costs.

CRTs in estate planning can help transfer assets efficiently to beneficiaries or charities. They can also reduce probate costs. CRTs can ensure adherence to your directives. Talk to a financial advisor or lawyer to see if a Charitable trust is right for you.

Consulting with Professionals:

Creating a Charitable Remainder Trust requires careful consideration of individual financial goals, tax implications, and charitable objectives.

Seek guidance from financial advisors,estate planning attorneys,CPAs, and charitable organizations. They can assist you in creating a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) that aligns with your philanthropic and financial objectives.


Charitable Remainder Trusts offer a unique opportunity for individuals in Florida to combine their philanthropic aspirations with sound financial planning strategies. By establishing a CRT, donors can enjoy tax benefits, receive income streams, and support charitable causes they care about, all while leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

In the Sunshine State, where generosity and financial prudence go hand in hand, CRTs represent a powerful tool for maximizing philanthropy and financial well-being.

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